Kelly successfully completed her master’s degree and we celebrated it!! (July 28th 2023)
We miss you Kelly!! Best wishes on entering your new career journey!

Shahriar’s co-first authored paper on Bend-Induced Ferroelectric Domain Walls in α-In2Se3 was published in ACS Nano.
Congratulations Shahriar and team!
Our lab member, Shahriar Muhammad Nahid, received award for ‘best contributed presentations’ in MRS 2023 spring.
Congratulations Shahriar!!
Our PI, Dr. Arend van der Zande, appears in a UIUC Talkshow and shared his knowledge on nanomaterials/nanotechnology.
Abir successfully defended his PhD thesis (12/9/2022).
Congratulations Dr. Mohammad Abir Hossain! He will be leaving to start his postdoc at the Nanoscience and Technology (NST) Division at at Argonne National Laboratory. We will miss you!
Hyunchul’s co-first authored paper on surface energy of the hydrogenated and fluorinated graphene on polar and non-polar substrates was published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interface.
Congratulations Hyunchul and teams!
Hyunchul’s co-first authored paper on Multiscale compression-induced restructuring of stacked lipid bilayers was published in PLOS One. Congratulations Hyunchul and teams!
Our graduate student, Shahriar Muhammad Nahid, named Mavis Future Faculty Fellows (MF3) for the 2022-23 academic year
The MF3 Academy was developed in The Grainger College of Engineering to help prepare talented graduate students for their future transition into academia. The program focuses on research, teaching, and mentoring, offering professional development activities and workshops, significant teaching experience, and mentorship of a less experienced student.
Congratulations Shahriar!